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I'm a Mechanical Engineer turned Healer, Wellness Coach, Doctor & Entrepreneur. Being a spiritually grounded , I'm on a mission to redefine our broken education & healthcare system by creating a new breed of Healers & Consultants. I founded the Classical Healers Hub in 2018 to fix this problem. Today, we are over 7000+ paid members and growing. We run a Free Acupuncture Healing Home to help more people to live and learn a Disease Free Peaceful lifestyle. I was awarded with Honarary Doctarate for Alternate Medicine for my Social Service & Crore Club Award from Sidz, ILH.
We have various membership levels to cater to your needs. Attend my next webinar to learn more and then get started as a digital coach.
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Total 30+Courses
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This community is built with love! Our focus is to help you get results.
I always wished to know about acupuncture and acupressure. As I thought of only offline classes, unable to do it. But your's session gave me a confidence of online classes too. Thank you very much for your great support and your guidance to known about alternative medicine
Silver Member
Classical Healers Hub.
Five star for Clarity, Dedication, Sincere, Service, Trustworthy. We can follow his proceedings with out any doubts, because of care taken for its authenticity. So anyone who willing to update their knowledge for better life style, good principles / wealth/ health, even for dignified personality, can opt for his courses blindly... Good work...All the best..
Gold Member
Classical Healers Hub
Health and Wealth knocks your doorsteps
These stars are for the well planned curriculum, genuine and cost-effective structure. Gives more confident to the beginner to pursue their career as a healer. Given me an inner transformation to help remove sufferings of peoples. By joining hands with him health and wealth will become our regular practice. Thank you Hakkim sir....
Diamond Member
Classical Healers Hub
India's Number One Digital Master who Recommends Classical Healers Hub !